Class of '67 Reunion
This is the Reunion blog for the Saint Bernard High School Class of 1967. Welcome! This is an independent site, and is not affiliated with Saint Bernard.
Saturday, August 31, 2019
Friday, August 30, 2019
Charlie Hennegan's email!
I have received many notes from SBHS "67 classmates regarding the Get Together last week at Barbara's Beach. They are unanimously positive, but this one.... takes the cake! From Charlie Hennegan in California.
"I gotta tell Tom I think I had as much fun as anyone at last week’s event at Barb’s Beach and I DIDN’T EVEN ATTEND. Hearing the stories, seeing the pictures, reading the comments…what fun! I enjoy event minute of it. And being a former Guthrie Beach beachboy who clean that beach for several summers make it extra special.
Thank you and the entire reunion team for making these events happen. It’s fantastic.
Your friend and classmate,
Charlie H."
Here is my response:
Hi Charlie,
Ok. This may rate as the greatest response we have ever received! Bar none!!
Thank you, Charlie! We missed seeing you this year, and your presence would have made the evening complete! Trust me on that, because your name came up repeatedly, and we all fondly remembered your presence at Captain Scott's last year!
We very much look forward to having you join us again at some point in the not too distant future! Not to mention your legendary performance on the dance floor with Lucille at the Reunion in 2017 (attached)! Where did you get those moves?? Inquiring minds want to know!
All the Best to You in continuing good health and happiness,
This message just made my day, so I am going to share it here! Charlie, who lives in California these days, attended our Get Together at Captain Scott's last summer. He had some serious health issue shortly thereafter, but he has remained in contact with us. I received this message from him tonight, and I wanted to share with you all. If there was ever a reason for this Committee to continue doing what we are doing..... this is IT! Thank you Charlie, and all the best to you!
Saturday, August 24, 2019
August 23, 2019: Pequot Avenue Get Together, Part II
Boom! We did it! Last night's SBHS '67 Get Together "On The Beach' at Pequot Avenue was an extraordinary success! Thanks to everyone on the Reunion Committee who worked to make it happen, especially Barbara Doherty for hosting us, and Donna Moore and Bill Beth Crocker who worked to ensure that we had the 'necessaries' (table supplies, ice, canopies, etc.) to make things work smoothly! We had about 30 attendees, making it the largest turnout since the Reunion itself, on a perfect beach evening. We were treated to an extraordinary display of New London History when The Mystic Whaler and La Amistad sailed The Sound right in front of us for an hour, as a marvelous pink sunset reflected off Ledge Light. It was Magical. Not to mention the wonderful food, drink and camaraderie that overflowed the deck, spilling onto the beach, emanating from our classmates who came from such far flung places as Florida, Virginia, Maryland, Philadelphia, and Massachusetts! And, as we were closing up, we even had a surprise 'pop-in' visit from 'The Sassies', a cadre of SBHS '68 ladies, led by Maureen Dugan Adams, who were having their own reunion of sorts this week! It was a fantastic evening! Wow! Thank you to everyone who made it happen!
August 23 2019: Pequot Avenue Get Together, Part I
The SBHS Class of 1967 had a little post-Reunion Get Together tonite on the beach along Pequot Avenue. As sunset approached, this happened: a snapshot of New London History, personified. That is the Mystic Whaler on the left, and La Amistad (replica) on the right. Remarkable moment for our classmates to witness, especially those who came in from out of town! You don’t get this anywhere else, folks! And totally serendipitous. We loved it.
Much more to come!
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Bernard Kenyon Sends His Regards!

Lucille Larrivee Naughton, Bernard Kenyon and Fran Connors.
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