Our first event of 2019 is in the books! Perfect weather, great food, and lively bunch of folks! We had a few last minute cancellations, so the group was smaller than planned, but we were happy to be joined by some new faces: Welcome Kathy Locarno and Rochele Noel-Gray! The smaller size group allowed us to gather together around a large table, and I hope our boisterousness didn't scare anyone away! All good fun! We need to work on our camera technique: photos always seem to be an afterthought, and somehow Rochele managed to evade the the individual shots. But at least we got her in the group photo! And that meant that two of the Four '67 Twins were represented that day!
And the Vormbrocks were represented at the Reunion itself, but we are still working on the Cicchettos!

We were able to recruit a NBYC staff to do our group pic, and she made sure that we would have at least one good one! And Special Thanks to Joe Turner for hosting us at such a beautiful venue!
Our next Get Together is planned for: Saturday July 20, 2019. Late afternoon, early evening. Details: TBD. We hope you will mark your calendars and plan to come. We already have confirmations from some attendees. we will be announcing the details shortly: it will be a late afternoon/early evening event at a venue that DEFINITELY bring back some fond memories! Mark my word, and stay tuned!

Photos thanks to Noreen Bluemling, Joe Turner and Tom Schuch! And the NBYC staffer who was bound and determined to get at least one photo with everyone's eyes open! She succeeded! ;)