Class of '67 Reunion
This is the Reunion blog for the Saint Bernard High School Class of 1967. Welcome! This is an independent site, and is not affiliated with Saint Bernard.
Monday, August 27, 2018
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Class of 1967 50th reunion mini slideshow
This might be a good moment to resurrect this from the archives. This slideshow was presented in the Saint Bernard School newsletter last year, and it is a composite of pics we sent them from the various Reunion events in the Summer of 2017. It is NOT the slide show presented at the Reunion Dinner Dance itself. Enjoy!
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Your SBHS '67 Reunion Committee Hard at Work!
Hey, I almost forgot..... your Reunion Committeee has been hard at work making preparations for this September event. Here is the proof: actual photographic evidence of our last two meetings: the first at the Niantic Bay Yacht Club (NBYC) where we were working so hard that we forgot to bring out the cameras until we were departing, and some committe members had already gone home; and the second meeting shows us slaving away at Osprey Beach in New London! It’s a tough job, but someone's got to do it!
😉 Come join the fun on September 22 at NBYC!

SBHS Class of 1967 September 2018 Get Together Announcement!
As promised, the SBHS Class of 1967 Reunion Committee is throwing another 'Get Together' Party! Thanks to Joe Turner and Jane Cavanaugh, we will be gathering at the beautiful Niantic Bay Yacht Club* (NBYC) for a casual 'cookout style' dinner party from 5-8pm September 22. 2018.
The event will be indoors, with an outdoor tent option, so, barring a hurricane, weather should not be a factor! This is a BYOB event, but there will be soft drinks and water available for purchase at the yacht club. Cost is $15.00 per person (covers the cost of the meal which will be provided by NBYC), payable by Paypal*, or by check to: Barbara Doherty, 111 Hansen Rd Norwich, CT 06360, or Tom Schuch 13 Black Point Road, Niantic, CT 06357. Please RSVP by September 15, 2018, and include your payment so that we can confirm the head count..
*Paypal info. Payment @$15/per person to:
Please make sure your Paypal payment identifies you, and mentions the event. If your payment includes a donation to the Carol Kenyon/Father John Scully Scholarship (optional, see attached poll) please note that.
We hope to see you there!
Friday, August 17, 2018
Stay Tuned For September 2018 Get Together Announcement!
Your SBHS Class of '67 Reunion Committee has a meeting scheduled for Monday August 20, 2018, and, thanks to the legwork of Joe Turner, Jane Cavanaugh, Margery Lacey-Tal, Barbara Doherty, and Jack and Jackie Carr..... stay tuned for an announcement regarding the planned Get Together for September 22, 2018! Hint: it's Good News!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Saint Albert's Hall, Circa 1875!
For the history aficionados (like me) in the audience: I found this pic with the following caption: "Baseball game on Williams Park circa 1875". I couldn't help but notice that the mansion on the hill in the background is the J.N. Harris mansion, later part of WMI, and then Saint Albert's Hall as part of Saint Bernard's High School. It is now the United Methodist Church. Very early baseball game also!
Monday, August 13, 2018
Save The Date: SBHS Class of 1967 September Get Together
Hi Folks,
Despite the short notice and the rain date postponement, we consider the August Get Together a modest success! But we know we can do better, and, since we also know that practice makes perfect, we have decided to do it again!
The Committee met last week, reviewed a number of possible dates, and decided to schedule our next 'casual' Get Together on SEPTEMBER 22, 2018. Details as to the venue, food, etc., are being actively worked on as we speak, but we did not want to delay getting this save the date notice out as soon as we could.
N.B. I have chosen the words 'our next' get together very deliberately, because we have also decided that this will not be the last. While we hope that many of you can make this event, we recognize that it probably won't be possible. Therefore, to maximize inclusiveness, our plan is to shortly begin planning for several casual Get Togethers spread over next summer. This will enable us to give everyone about 6 MONTHS advance notice, instead of only about 6 weeks. We recognize that this is particularly important for those of us who live at a distance, and we hope that this will enable those folks to be included!
So, mark your calendars for the late afternoon/evening of Saturday, September 22, 2018, and stay tuned for further details which will be announced as soon as they are finalized!
Best Wishes to All, and we hope to see you soon!
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
It's A Small, Poignant World
Just wanted to pass along a little poignant, 'small world' story that happened Monday evening, the day after our little Reunion get together at Captain Scott's on Sunday. Some of you may know that I am a 'car guy' hobbyist, with a couple of old BMWs. I attend a lot of local shows, and various other shows around the Northeast. Last night I attended the Ocean Beach Cruise Night, which I often do. A young fella (40-ish is young, ok) with a thick Irish accent had an interest in my car, and we started to chat. He lives in New London, and, as we chatted, I discovered that he happens to know a few folks that I know, including Joan Sullivan, and he also knew the name Pierce Kepple! Well, it turns out that this fella is married to Bill Croteau's (Class of 1967) daughter! Bill Croteau from Stonington passed away a couple of years ago at his home in Ohio. I told him that we had discovered that fact, to our dismay, last year when we were seeking to contact all of our classmates. I told him about the Reunion, and that we had had a solemn Moment of Rememberance for the classmates who had passed, with a slide show, and that Bill was part of that Remembrance. I also told him that Bill Croteau's name had come up several times in our committee discussions--- I think it was Joe Turner---- as someone that we hoped to contact and invite. We were saddened to learn of his passing. We ended up chatting for about an hour there in the parking lot. HIs wife (Bill's daughter) is presently out of town, but I asked him to send along our fond regards and condolences to her, on the loss of her father, and our friend and classmate, Bill Croteau. What a remarkable, serendipitous encounter. William Croteau, SBHS Class of 1967, Requiescat in Pace.
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Class of '67 Reunion Get Together 2018: Captain Scott's Lobster Dock, New London
UPDATE: MORE PICS!* From Margery Lacey-Tal!
The cameras were a late afterthought at today's Get Together at Captain Scott's Lobster Dock in New London, in 90 degree heat. Unfortunately a number of folks had already left for home. These are Joe Turner's pics, taken when we finally got around to ordering food. Huge waiting line, but, to our surprise, there was a LIVE band, featuring Vince Thompson's band.
Charlie Hennegan (who arrived yesterday from California) and Margery Lacey-Tal.
Bob Bessette, Paul and Kathy Umland, Bill Crocker, Tom Schuch and Debbie Benoit.
Tom Schuch, Lavina and Pierce Kepple.
Bob Bessette and Michelle Gargan.
Margery, Bill Crocker and Noreen Bluemling.
Catherine Schuch, Faith Asselin and Joan Sullivan.
Faith and Joan.
Donna Moore, Catherine, Faith and Pierce.
Catherine and Faith.
Pierce Kepple.
Joan and Noreen.
Margery and Bill.
Catherine and Faith.
Bob Bessette, Michelle Gargan and Joe Turner.
Stay tuned for more!
*UPDATE: More pics from Margery Lacey-Tal!
Tom Schuch, Lavina and Pierce Kepple, Bob Bessette and Michelle Gargan.
Faith Asselin and Joan Sullivan.
Faith and Joan.
Noreen Bluemling, Donna Moore and Catherine Schuch.
Margery Lacey-Tal and Bill Crocker.
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