We have all heard the saying 'it's not what you know, it's who you know", right? Well, we are very lucky to know Lucille Larrivee Naughton ---for a lot of reasons, btw---- but for a new reason today. In response to our discussion in here the other day about seeking original source materials from the 1963-67 years at SBHS, Lucille sent me a box she refers to as "Jack's Treasures". (Jack Naughton, for those who may not know, is Lucille's late husband, whom we all knew as Brother Christopher, back in the day.) The box arrived today. "Jack's Treasures" is a scrapbook of photographs, show programs and newspaper clippings from 1964-67, personally preserved by Jack. You will recall that Jack was the Dramatic Director and Lucille was the Music Director of the plays presented during that period at SBHS! The major productions those years were: The Music Man, Oklahoma, and Annie Get Your Gun, with other, smaller productions interspersed. It is the veritable Motherlode of information on that particular facet of SBHS life and times! It is going to take some time to catalogue, scan and present all of this here,---- but it is coming, folks!---- so please be patient. Here is a little taste of things to come! Now we need to find that Motherlode of SBHS sports material for that same period! Who's got it?
;) N.B. Most of the pics are Polaroids, and they have faded somewhat over the past 50 years. Haven't we all?
;) Merci beaucoup to the late jack Naughton for preserving these memories, and to Lucille Larrivee Naughton for sharing them with us! Wow!
;) Much, much more to come!

Kismet! How could I NOT post this one?
;) Sr Lucille Lucille Larrivee Naughton) Music Director, and Br. Christopher (the late Jack Naughton) Dramatic Director. 

Jim Dinoto doing the famous "Shipoopi"!
The program from "My Three Angels".
Oklahoma cast pic.
"I'm A Bad, Bad Man". Jack Carr in Annie Get Your Gun.
"There's No Business Like Show Business", Jim Dinoto, Jack Carr and Debbie Benoit.
"I'm An Indian Too." Danny Marr (Chief Sitting Bull) and and Debbie Benoit.
"My Defenses Are Down", Jack Carr, Rob Hayden, et al. 'She's broken my resistance.....'
"There's No Business Like Show Business" Grand Finale. A Magical Moment, frozen in time.
Michele Gargan, percussion, and Leslie Celmer, piano.
